

    In 2016, our Community Development Methodology entered a more mature phase. We improved our impact indicators and continued to discuss our action model and the core elements of the Institute, identifying points to be amended.

    With the support of a statistician we refined and configured our Integrated Evaluation and Reporting System, which aims to measure the progress of interventions in the generation of social capital and community development. The objective is to understand the social return on the investment, including indicators that offer strategic recommendations.

    The Lina Galvani Institute team was involved at different times throughout the project, which enabled them to take greater ownership of the tool.

    The changes proposed this year for the Community Development Methodology focus on two dimensions: Community Cohesion and Fulfillment of Potential. With that, we reorganized our deliverables and key results. After these changes, the configuration of the Methodology is as follows:

  • Conversation Circles

    Sitting in a circle, all the participants can share their ideas, point out problems, present concerns and opinions so that together they can find solutions and plan for the future. That is why these meetings are called conversation circles. They are key to our Community Development Methodology because they enable us to assess the progress of the projects, share and build learning and find directions for our work.

    At the end of 2016, we held Conversation Circles in Angico dos Dias and Serra do Salitre. They helped us monitor the indicators of our Methodology: Participation, Dialogue, Trust, Expansion and Innovation of Local Repertoire, Governance and Satisfaction with the Territory.

    In these year-end conversations, we were able to perceive that the Institute has succeeded in expanding social possibilities through its work, not only due to the search for shared solutions, but also as a therapeutic resource in itself, generating interactive conversational possibilities and driving social change.

    It was very democratic and good for planning what we should do next. This time for conversation is important so that we can sit together, explain our concerns, conduct surveys and, based on the talk, seek solutions, create projects and approach partners.

    Rosa Maria Ribeiro da Mata Rocha, participant of the Conversation Circle in Angico dos Dias

    Check out the results

    We also had internal conversation circles. One of the most remarkable of them happened in December. The entire team went to São João da Boa Vista, upstate São Paulo, for a chat with Dona Lina Galvani, 104, the family's matriarch and the inspiration for the Institute's work.

    It was an inspiring conversation, full of learning, illustrated with videos sent by our local agents from the village of Angico dos Dias (BA) and from Serra do Salitre (MG). Dona Lina answered questions and shared thoughts that will certainly be part of the team's work in their community activities.

    People need to help themselves too, not just sit and wait. It's just like being sick. The doctor might be very good, give you the medicine and tell you how to take it. But if you do not play your part, you won't heal, will you?"

    Dona Lina Galvani
  • 2016 Highlights

    Check out the main achievements of the Lina Galvani Institute during the year and the contribution of these actions to the indicators of our Integrated Evaluation and Reporting System.