Financial Report

Financial Report

The year 2016 was marked by an increase in direct investment in the places where we operate. This was mainly driven by three factors:

New initiatives in the municipality of Luís Eduardo Magalhães (BA), where the Institute already works through the Fioravante Galvani Park. Starting in 2016, we began to work in the vicinity of the Galvani plant, with community development actions.

Another highlight was the continuation of the Strengthening Public Management project in Campo Alegre de Lourdes and the introduction of the project in Serra do Salitre.

Furthermore, we launched the Future Agenda Public Notice in Serra do Salitre, including training for the participants in the selected projects, as well as direct investment in the projects. This initiative extended into the year 2017, but the funds still come from the investment allotted in 2016.

With regard to institutional investment in 2016, a variable remuneration system was implemented through employee gratification, in order to strengthen performance evaluation and increase productivity and talent retention.

The Fioravante Galvani Park carried out an institutional development project, with support from external consultants, to outline an action plan for the next five years. This involved the establishment of vision, mission and strategic objectives to enable the institutionalization of the Park in 2017 as an independent organization from the Lina Galvani Institute.